Kawasaki KLX 140 vs Kawasaki KLX230 Comparison
Find below the detailed Motorcycles comparison of Kawasaki KLX 140 and Kawasaki KLX230, based on price, specifications, & other features. We have the Kawasaki KLX 140 priced at ₱160,000, while Kawasaki KLX230 is priced at ₱196,000 . If we compare the technical specifications, Kawasaki KLX 140 houses 144 engine whereas Kawasaki KLX230 engine displacement stands at 233.
Read MoreOverview: Kawasaki KLX 140 vs Kawasaki KLX230
Brand | Kawasaki Philippines | Kawasaki Philippines |
SRP* | ₱160,000 Kawasaki KLX 140 Price | ₱196,000 Kawasaki KLX230 Price |
Variant | Kawasaki KLX 140 Standard | Kawasaki KLX230 Standard |
User Rating | 4.42 Kawasaki KLX 140 reviews | 4.5 Kawasaki KLX230 reviews |
Fuel Type | Gasoline Gasoline Motorcycles in Philippines | Gasoline Gasoline Motorcycles in Philippines |
Available Color(s) |
Vehicle Type | Off Road Off Road Motorcycles in Philippines | Off Road Off Road Motorcycles in Philippines |
Key Features
Front Brake | Disc | Disc |
Start Option | Electric | Electric |
Transmission Type | Manual | Manual |
Displacement | 144 cc | 233 cc |
Ground Clearance | 236 mm | 264 mm |
Maximum Power | 11.93 hp | 19.74 hp |
Best Loan Offers
DP ₱32,000 MA : ₱2,744 x 60 Months Get Exclusive Promos | DP ₱39,200 MA : ₱3,362 x 60 Months Get Exclusive Promos |
Photo Comparision
User Ratings & Review Comparison
18 reviews | 16 reviews | |
User Review Comparison |
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Kawasaki KLX 140 vs Kawasaki KLX230 FAQs
Which Motorcycle is cheaper between Kawasaki KLX 140 vs Kawasaki KLX230?
KLX 140 is priced at ₱160,000 and KLX230 is priced at ₱196,000. Hence KLX 140 is the cheapest amongst these Motorcycle.
Helpful (135)Which Motorcycle has more power between Kawasaki KLX 140 vs Kawasaki KLX230?
The Kawasaki KLX 140 has power of 11.93 hp with 11.3 Nm torque and Kawasaki KLX230 has power of 19.74 hp with 19.5 Nm torque. Thus making KLX230 the more powerful as compared to KLX 140.
Helpful (146)Which Motorcycle has Higher ground clearance between KLX 140 vs KLX230?
The KLX 140 comes with a ground clearance of 236 mm , on the other hand the KLX230 comes with a ground clearance of 264 mm , hence the Kawasaki KLX230 has better ground clearence and off roading capabilities..
Helpful (75)Which Motorcycle has more safety features between Kawasaki KLX 140 vs Kawasaki KLX230?
KLX 140 safety features: and ABS KLX230 safety features: Pass Switch and Shutter Lock The Kawasaki KLX230 has higher number of sefety features than KLX 140, hence Kawasaki KLX230 is more safer than Kawasaki KLX 140.
Helpful (215)