Foton Harabas TM 300 vs Maxus G50 Comparison
Find below the detailed Cars comparison of Foton Harabas TM 300 and Maxus G50, based on price, specifications, & other features. We have the Foton Harabas TM 300 priced at ₱755,000 , while Maxus G50 is priced at ₱948,000 . If we compare the technical specifications, Foton Harabas TM 300 houses 2198 engine whereas Maxus G50 engine displacement stands at 1349.
Read MoreOverview: Harabas TM 300 vs Maxus G50
Brand | Foton Philippines | Maxus Philippines |
SRP* | ₱755,000 Harabas TM 300 Price | ₱948,000 Maxus G50 Price |
Variant | Harabas TM 300 Dropside | Maxus G50 Comfort MT |
User Rating | 3.83 Harabas TM 300 reviews | 4.56 Maxus G50 reviews |
Fuel Type | Diesel Diesel Cars in Philippines | Gasoline Gasoline Cars in Philippines |
Available Color(s) |
Vehicle Type | Pickup Trucks Pickup Trucks Cars in Philippines | MPV MPV Cars in Philippines |
Key Features
Transmission Type | Manual | Manual |
Fuel Type | Diesel | Gasoline |
Engine Displacement | 2198 cc | 1349 cc |
Power | 87 hp | 161 hp |
Best Loan Offers
DP ₱151,000 MA : ₱12,952 x 60 Months Get Exclusive Promos | DP ₱189,600 MA : ₱16,263 x 60 Months Get Exclusive Promos |
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Foton Harabas TM 300 vs Maxus G50 FAQs
Which Car is cheaper between Foton Harabas TM 300 vs Maxus G50?
Harabas TM 300 is priced at ₱755,000 and G50 is priced at ₱948,000 . Hence Harabas TM 300 is the cheapest amongst these Car.
Helpful (198)Which Car has more power between Foton Harabas TM 300 vs Maxus G50?
The Foton Harabas TM 300 has power of 87 hp with 220 Nm torque and Maxus G50 has power of 161 hp with 230 Nm torque. Thus making G50 the more powerful as compared to Harabas TM 300.
Helpful (227)Which Car has more safety features between Foton Harabas TM 300 vs Maxus G50?
Harabas TM 300 safety features: Anti-Lock Braking System, Seat Belt Warning, Front Impact Beams, Side Impact Beams and Engine Check Warning G50 safety features: Anti-Lock Braking System, Brake Assist, Ebd, Crash Sensor, Driver Airbag, Passenger Airbag, Seat Belt Warning, Rear Seat Belts, Child Safety Locks, ISOFIX Child Seat Mounts, Day & Night Rear View Mirror, Parking Sensors, Rear Parking Sensors, Hill-Start Assist Control, Front Impact Beams, Side Impact Beams, Engine Check Warning and Tyre Pressure Monitor The Maxus G50 has higher number of sefety features than Harabas TM 300, hence Maxus G50 is more safer than Foton Harabas TM 300.
Helpful (164)Which Car has more comfort features between Harabas TM 300 vs G50?
Harabas TM 300 comfort features: Air Conditioner, Heater and Bottle Holder G50 comfort features: Air Conditioner, Rear A/C Vents, Heater, Accessory Power Outlet, Bottle Holder, Cup Holders-Front, Cup Holders-Rear, Power Windows Front and Rear Reading Lamp The Maxus G50 has higher number of comfort features than Harabas TM 300, hence Maxus G50 is more comfortable than Foton Harabas TM 300.
Helpful (166)Which is bigger Harabas TM 300 or G50?
The Harabas TM 300 dimensions are 4650 mm length, 1680 mm width, 1920 mm height while the G50 dimensions are 4825 mm length, 1825 mm width, 1778 mm height. Hence the Harabas TM 300 is more longer more wider and more higher.
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